11. Car Object

Car Object

Creating a Car Object

To create a Car, which was named carla in the example. I have to:

  1. Import our car file and define a car's initial state variable, and
  2. Call car.Car(); a special function that initializes a Car object, and pass in the initial state variables.

The state is defined by a position: [y, x] and a velocity, which has vertical and horizontal components: [vy, vx]. And lastly, we had to pass in a world, which is just a 2D array.

Imports and Defining initial variables

# Import statements
import numpy
import car

# Declare initial variables
# Create a 2D world of 0's
height = 4
width = 6
world = np.zeros((height, width))

# Define the initial car state
initial_position = [0, 0] # [y, x] (top-left corner)
velocity = [0, 1] # [vy, vx] (moving to the right)

Creating and Visualizing a Car!

# Create a car object with these initial params
carla = car.Car(initial_position, velocity, world)

# Display the world

Carla's initial state at position [0,0]

Carla's initial state at position [0,0]

Car movement

Carla can also move in the direction of the velocity and turnleft with the functions: move() and turn_left().

Car path after some movement.

Car path after some movement.